Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays everyone! Make sure to take some time off from the grind to spend some time with your friends and family over the next few days. I'll be resuming the old SNE chase on the 26th and it'll be a tough grind to end the year but I'll get there.

Have a good one!


  1. Grats on the Elite and enjoy Holidays.

  2. Congrats Frosty! I'm glad to hear you are making time for friends/family. Hopefully youll be done in time to party early on the 31st

  3. Hey Frosty, are the contract details for an online poker pro out? Would you mind divuluging or is that a secret? I hope during nye, you will get into tons of situations that will make for a great read.

  4. I'm sure that everything is supposed to be confidential, I guess all that I will say is that I'm being paid money to do some poker-related obligations (ie. play x hours per week, update blog etc.).
